Amanda S. - Stringing Together Toes-To-Bar

Amanda set aside time each day to work on her goals and it paid off with consecutive toes to bar! 

I've been on and off working for T2B for about 3 years. They are ALWAYS one of my movement choices on goal day and I've done a few gymnastics clinics focused on T2B. However, I usually start consistently working on them a few months out from the Open each year as they typically come up in a workout. A few weeks ago, I added in an exercise to get my back-swing stronger and that seemed to be the game changer for me.

I try to spend about 10-20 minutes after class working on something I need to improve on, whether its movement specific drills, an EMOM to build volume, core work, or even just Iron Scap.

When they finally clicked, every coaching cue that I’ve received over the years finally started to make sense. It was really exciting, because it has been something I’ve struggled with for years. Although I can only string together a few, I’m excited to start working them into WODs.

I reallyyyy want a muscle up. I’ve already started focus work for that and although I’d love to get one by the Open, my goal is to get one by the end of 2017.

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