Mary C. – A ‘Barbell Betty’ Who Got Her Nutrition On Point

My son Matt and my daughter Julia had been going to CFCL. They kept telling me I should try it. I never in a million years would consider joining, but Matt came home one day and told me he had talked to Coach Mat, and that I needed to contact him to set up a time for my intro class. I didn’t seem to have a choice. I felt I had to give it a try, since I encouraged them to try new things. I went to my intro class with Kevin and signed up- I couldn’t go home and tell them I wasn’t going to at least try it out for a few weeks.  My kids had encouraged me and promised me I wouldn’t humiliate myself.

I was totally out of my comfort zone when I first came in. I didn’t know anyone, felt older than everyone, and realized how out of shape I was in. I am definitely older now but definitely in better shape.  The coaches always helped me modify things and over time I’ve seen improvements.

Last fall, I signed up for the CFCL Couch to 5K program since I dreaded running.  I never thought I could run a 5K. My goal in addition to running a 5K was to “learn to love running”.  I actually ran the 5K which I never thought I could do.  I wouldn’t say I love running now, but I definitely hate it less.

Recently, I did the Barbell Betties program and my favorite part was working out with the other ladies! Everyone was positive and not only pushed themselves but each other. I liked being able to focus on specific strength gains and see improvements week after week. Having the other betty’s was a huge motivation. There are some seriously strong women!

I have also dialed into my nutrition with counting my macro’s- be prepared to plan, and have someone to help if you can, and keep it simple. The first couple of weeks was a lot of numbers, I felt like I was eating way more calories than I should and I wasn’t sure it would work. Working with Cassi, I had someone to be accountable to, and she gave me guidance, which if I didn’t have, I probably would have just given up . Using a meal tracking app helps too, as once you have your numbers set, there’s nothing else to think about other than entering in your food.

I am excited to keep working on what we have done in Barbell Betty’s and continue to build on that.  I am also sticking with my macros and hope to continue seeing results, even with the holidays.

Mat Frankel