Johnny B. – Accountability’s key.

I’m a chef and after hosting a Paleo dinner at The Biltmore back in 2012 some people told me about the new box that had opened. I was psyched to try it out since I had l left my previous box because it was inconvenient. My first impression sticks with me. And it hasn’t changed at all. My first impression was when I least expected it, when I missed my first class. I had spoken with Mat on the phone to see if I could come drop in for a class the next day. Well that night I had a few too many beers, and opted to not drop in the following morning for the 9:30 am class (rough night). I had a random number calling me at 9:35, and they left a voicemail. I checked it right after it stopped ringing and sure enough it was Mat Frankel. I thought holy shit, this dude is committed. He was calling me to see if I was ok, and if I was still going to be coming. I was terrified, so I had the choice of never going again, or showing up the next day. There have still been a few hangovers since, but theres always CFCL to whip my ass back into shape.

When I started I needed a chair to get my leg into the green band on a assisted pull up. Then gray band, then black, then no band with a kip, to a strict pulp. Never had done a pull up in my entire life. That was it. Really no turning back from that.

I honestly feel like there are too many movements to be able to master any. I’m chasing each workout as hard as I can.I love our CFCL bbq’s with a WOD on the board, pig on a spit, good beer in hand, and good friends all around. That usually does it for me.LOVE #CFCL!

Mat Frankel