Grace C. – An exciting challenge

I first found CrossFit after spending a few years unsatisfied with the “typical” work outs at the gym. I had undergone a handful of surgeries leaving me unable to run, and felt like my former life as an athlete was pretty much over. Once I started training with a small group doing CrossFit style workouts, I found that the varied movements and personalization allowed me to modify when I needed to, all with the goal of getting stronger.  I rediscovered that I feel best when I am consistently active with supportive people around me.  After moving back to the area, and a hiatus from CrossFit, Ben and I tried a morning class at City Line, and were totally hooked.


When I first started at City Line I felt like I needed to get in shape before I even started, which seems so silly now because anyone, no matter what kind of shape they are currently in, can do CrossFit. One of the things I love about this box is that the coaches present each component with scaled options, really allowing anyone to get the best workout in for them.

While getting my first strict pull-up (and then six more…) was an awesome feeling after four months of working on them, participating in the Opens really stands out as a highlight over the last six months.  It was a super fun experience. I felt really good about completing the scaled versions of 15.1-15.4, but with the support of friends and coaches, I did my first Rx WOD for 15.5. It was awesome.

One of the things I find both exciting and daunting about CrossFit is that there is always something else to get better at.  I’m still trying to get my kipping pull-up down, but my next monthly goal is to improve my clean and jerk so that I can Rx “Grace” (and crush it).

From the very first WOD, everyone at City Line has been really welcoming and supportive. I love the sense of community that exists here. Events like the Holiday Party, Ladies Night, and the Opens after-party are fun, but I leave each WOD feeling great (read: tired, sore, winded, etc. in a really good way).

Mat Frankel