Jay D. - For All The Right Reasons

I heard about CrossFit City Line from another original member who said a new CrossFit was set to open soon.  He said the owner was a CrossFit Games champion so I was intrigued, even though at the time I was content at my current box.
My first impression is that Mat took his coaching very seriously but was stilla cool guy. I half expected him to be a meat head because he had accomplished so much in the CrossFit world. I had been to many different CrossFit gyms in my personal and business travels and had seem mostly lackluster coaching, and some sketchy facilities.  I was very impressed with the passion Mat had for his coaching and immediately thought I could learn a lot at City Line.


My first big “ah ha” moment was when Mat helped me correct my push-press.  Overhead movements will always be a weakness for me because of my body type butI was making it even worse because I was leaning forward when I dipped.   Mat helped me fix this relatively easily, and the improvement was immediately noticeable in my WODs.  This fix made me enjoy overhead movements instead of dreading them.

At this point I’m working on perfecting some advanced movements, and not necessarily getting stronger.  I was single with no kids when I started CrossFit so I had all the time in the world for double-sessions and competitions.  Now, being married with two kids and busy work life, I want to maintain my strength- or grow a little- but get better at some of the more complicated things like handstand walks, kipping hand stand pushups, overhead squats, and snatches.  I find my PR’s come from improvement in technique, diet,  and strategy- not from raw strength gains.

I don’t think I can pinpoint a favorite City Line memory, as there are many.  I’m reminded every day of why City Line is important to my family and me. Some of our best friends, a few great business contacts, and my sons’ favorite babysitter,  have come from City Line. That, more than anything makes it easy (kind of) to get up at 4:30am to do thrusters and burpees.

Mat Frankel